Monday 22 September 2008

Zblog #11

Zblog #11
Well, sorry everybody about the delay in getting back to you. I know some of you thought I'd given up on this little project. Sorry to disappoint you. I'm back and nearly back in business. First I need to kick-start the old computer which has all my Space Invaders stuff on it. I know what you're thinking, you're thinking why doesn't he just get a memory stick or put it on disk? If only it was that easy. The old pc doesn't have a usb port and the disk drive is a floppy one whereas this machine only has a cd type thingy. Anyway...
I'm going to be posting new stuff to Space Invaders! this week, but I'm not sure which day yet. So, this is what I'm going to do. I will e-mail each new post out to anybody who leaves their details on this Zblogage. You can of course if you prefer, contact me by e-mail, my details are in my complete profile which you can clink-the-link to from my right-hand side-bar.
Okay, I don't expect people to leave their e-mail address on this blog or any other place on the web for that matter but you can leave a comment saying you want me to e-mail the next post to you and send me an e-mail with your address on it under plain cover, so to speak. Many thanks to Stan, Lynn, Dave and Kevin who I know read every word on these pages and thank you to all of my readers new and old alike for sticking with me. We are very close to revealing the next chapter...