Wednesday 2 April 2008

BRAVO Chapter Two - (post eight)

BRAVO Chapter Two - (post eight)
“Good” says Ratz, “It is good that everybody is in agreement. Now, however, I will tell you both, exactly what we are going to do!”

The General paces up and down in front of the fireplace, he doesn’t want to get his speech wrong and he knows by experience that life is one big compromise and that revolutions, even meticulously planned revolutions take time and cooperation. He leans against the table and looks down.

The Major and Karloff are sitting on the sofa nearest to the table and their necks are straining as they force themselves to make eye contact with Ratz.

“Okay, this is what we do!” Ratz begins. “The evacuation of the dome will still go ahead, the men will leave in the carrier vessels with the invader craft onboard as planned.” The General studies the faces of The Major and Karloff, looking for any sign of dissent. People are weak, he thinks to himself, but so far it looks like they agree with me.. “We will send them close enough to the enemy to be seen, but I won’t give the order to invade. How’s that?” He asks.

Karloff jumps to his feet, he is wringing his hands in a wild motion and his facial expression becomes a gurn. He is happy and he’s having trouble restraining himself. “Excellent General!” he shouts, as he jumps for joy. “Excellent, excellent!” he repeats, then adds “the perfect threat, all we need do now is convince the enemy that these aliens are in charge."

Before Karloff can say anything else, The Major stands up and adjusting his tunic he addresses Ratz. “I will work on that General, myself!” He volunteers.

For a full minute, the General stares at him. Eventually he speaks. “Very good Major.” He says, “See you do a thorough job!”
Go to next chapter..

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