Tuesday 8 April 2008

Zblog #7

Zblog #7
Something strange happened to my posting last week. I'm not sure exactly what but the bottom line is, that after spending ages writing the piece I was going to post, I lost it. Where it went I do not know but I can tell you that the rewritten version is safely stored on another machine somewhere.
The last posting, post eight of Bravo Chapter Two, actually brings us nicely to the end of that chapter and we can now go on and have a look at some different characters on/from the other side of the world and the political spectrum ideologically. The next set of players are The Freedomlanders and they are very different from The Party People, who we have just spent the last chapter with.
In a lot of ways I'm itching to get back to the Aliens, don't you just want to know what's happenning with Arrow, Cresent and Dart? I do, but we're going to have to wait a little while yet because The Freedomlanders have a lot of plans of their own that we need to find out about. Oh yeah, and then we need to go back to The Party People and see if they've cooked up anything new before we get to go back into The Dome. Oh well...

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