Thursday 26 June 2008

CHARLIE Chapter Three - (post two)

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Back to start of Chapter Three..

CHARLIE Chapter Three - (post two)

“Men, I’ve called you together today, because of a possible State emergency.”
The President starts speaking with a pained look on his face, he tries to force a smile but his acting skills are not that well honed.
“Men, it seems that our Space Research Center on the coast has been monitoring radio signals from outer space.”
He continues as the men exchange glances of disbelief and whisper 'Phews!' and mouth 'Wows!'
“Men, I’m gonna hand you over to Professor Kearns, who will fill in the details for you.”

The aging professor steps up onto the small platform beside the President.
“Thank you Mister President,” he says confidently. He turns to face the others and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. An aide hands him a very full glass of hurriedly poured water which he takes a quick gulp from and spills the rest down the front of his tweed jacket. “Well Gentlemen,” he manages to stutter at the second attempt. “There isn’t much to tell but an unknown force is seemingly trying to contact us.” He looks around the room and the President and a couple of close aides nod in agreement. Regaining his initial confidence the Professor continues to address the gathering. “As I was saying, an unknown force is seemingly trying to contact us, we are sure of this. My department informed the President this morning, resulting in this meeting. Do you have any questions?”

Everyone in the room raises their hands and one or two of the men jump up on their feet excitedly. The first person to make himself heard clearly is one of the dark suited security men.
“Professor,” he says “do you see this as an indication of warfare? With Aliens?”
“Well!” the professor replies, “We hope not obviously, but really it’s too early to say.” Then quickly before anyone else can distract him from his train of thought he adds, “ at this stage of, well who knows what?”

Everybody wants to ask a question now but it’s the President who takes the microphone first.
“Men, we’re gonna have to call this a wrap, any business discussed here is to go no further. This is as always, Top Secret and highly confidential information.” He turns and hands the microphone back to the Professor.
Professor Kearns smiles and nods his head slowly in agreement.
“Yes Gentlemen, you can imagine what the newspapers, radio and TV would make of this.”
The President has the final word.
“Thank you for sharing with us Professor.” He says, and then to the others; “Men, we will meet again in twenty four hours time, you are free to go!”
Read on..

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