Zblog #10 MUNDANE MADNESS Try as I might I just can't seem to win with this blog. I've been over at my other blogs and at other peoples blogs and have had absolutely no trouble posting whatsoever but on Space Invaders! nothing seems to go right. I think the problem is that I use a different computer for my-work-in-progress-novel and the connection is really slow. It is however, linked to the machine that I'm bashing the keys on now so you wouldn't think that there would be much difference but unfortunately there is. BACK IN BUSINESS Okay then, back to the nitty gritty, we've just finished Charlie Chapter Three and I can't decide whether to go back to The Party People or to press on with Jason's Mission in Delta Chapter Four. In some ways I want to go back and visit the devious and deluded General Ratz and his buddy The Major and to find out what plans they're hatching right now. On the other hand I'm itching to see if Jason can unlock the secrets of The Metropolski. I guess you'll have to wait for my next posting to find out which route I take.
CHARLIE Chapter Three - (post five) The security man stands in front of the presidents desk in a private side room. The room is soundproofed and only personell with the highest clearing are allowed in. "Okay sir!" says the Security man, "I'll arrange for a mission to be sent."
"Tonight!" barks the President.
"Yes sir, Mr President! Tonight!"
"Jason," begins the President, addressing the security man by his first name. "I sent for you because I believe that you're the man for the job. When you volunteered, you confirmed that for me."
"Thank you sir."
"Jason, you won't thank me when you find out the extent of the mission."
There is a silence in the already very quiet room, it is the President who speaks again first. "You will leave tonight for the east, our people have arranged for you to take the place of a journalist on a student trip... these are your papers, the orders are in the envelope. Good Luck Jason."
"Thank you sir," he replies and before he leaves the private office, he adds "I'll need it over there."
Zblog #9 MARCHING ON Slowly the story is marching along nicely now. We'll soon be at the end of the third chapter, in fact I'm going to wrap it up this week. Then we can move on to see what's happening elsewhere. I've got a new character in my head Natasha, I think I may have mentioned her on an earlier Zblog posting. Anyway, it appears that Natasha's son mysteriously disappeared only an hour after he was born, not only that but another boy who was born in the same maternity room on the same day as Natasha's son also went missing... The plot thickens! DEFECTED? If you've been reading the recent postings to Space Invaders! you'll know that a top agent has defected from The Party Peoples Republic to the FreedomLanders. But who is it? and just how important is the information he carries? Not only that but why has he defected now? The answers to all of these questions will be revealed as you read on... Well, in Chapter Four anyway!UPCOMING Where am I up to with the overall work? And what can you expect to see on these pages in the coming weeks? First things first, I'm only actually up to where you can read up to, this is an Online Novel as far as it goes, by that I mean, that I'm writing it in little snippets directly onto the web page. This work is very much a first draft warts an' all project. As for other stuff that I intend to post soon, I want to scan the original play script of Space Invaders! that I wrote in Manchester's Withington Library in 1984 and post it on this bloggage! FULL CHAPTER Another thing I'm in the process of doing is pasting all the snippets together to make a full chapter. At the moment I'm working on Chapter One and later this week I will be reposting it as a complete chapter. The idea is to knit all the bits together and post them as full chapters, there will be a clickable-link to transport you from the latest post to the start of an unbroken and hopefully readable chapter. So, by the time I finish writing this story, there should be a completed second or third draft version Online for you to read. Phew! More Zblog soon.. Please bookmark this site and come back often...
They said I’ve got to write a sestina
I said my name is Andy Sewina
Would you like a bite of my banana
How long till you get some new pyjama
Is that a felt hat or a fedora
Did you sail into the new marina
I once met a mermaid called Marina
I thought I’d tell you in this sestina
That I always wear an old fedora
She said is your name Andy Sewina
Lemontina do you wear pyjama
Oh but please please don’t drive me banana
Joey likes to eat yellow banana
When he pedalo to the marina
Everybody loves his blue pyjama
When he goes siesta with sestina
He dreams that he is Andy Sewina
Wearing a big coat and a fedora (if you wanna read the rest - here's the link: http://sewina.blogspot.com/2009/01/andy-sewina-they-said-ive-got-to-write.html)