Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Zblog #10

Zblog #10
Try as I might I just can't seem to win with this blog. I've been over at my other blogs and at other peoples blogs and have had absolutely no trouble posting whatsoever but on Space Invaders! nothing seems to go right. I think the problem is that I use a different computer for my-work-in-progress-novel and the connection is really slow. It is however, linked to the machine that I'm bashing the keys on now so you wouldn't think that there would be much difference but unfortunately there is.
Okay then, back to the nitty gritty, we've just finished Charlie Chapter Three and I can't decide whether to go back to The Party People or to press on with Jason's Mission in Delta Chapter Four. In some ways I want to go back and visit the devious and deluded General Ratz and his buddy The Major and to find out what plans they're hatching right now. On the other hand I'm itching to see if Jason can unlock the secrets of The Metropolski. I guess you'll have to wait for my next posting to find out which route I take.

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